News dallo Studio di Ortodonzia Zuccati
Multiple bilateral impactions in an adolescent girl: An update after15 years.
A 32-year-old woman, previously treated for 12 impacted teeth with combined surgical-orthodontic treatment, was recalled 15 years after the end of treatment.
This article aimed to report the longterm orthodontic, dental, and periodontal outcomes in this patient….
The marginal tissues were healthy with pale pink, firm gingiva and probing depth <3 mm.
Invasive cervical resorption of the maxillary right canine had been detected unexpectedl shortly before the follow-up visit.
Timely surgical management of the affected tooth might stop the resorption and improve the prognosis.
Giliana Zuccati Clauser, Aniello Mollo, and Roberto Barone. Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop Clin Companion 2021; XX XX-XX.
Implant site development by orthodontic extrusion of teeth with poor prognosis.
Forced orthodontic extrusion of hopeless teeth is reportedly an effective method of augmenting bone in sites where alveolar ridge defects preclude correct implant placement.
As long as at least one-fourth to one-third of the apical attachment remains intact, the attachment apparatus can be used to develop the bone and gingiva in a vertical direction.
The tooth is extracted once the desired change in the ridge shape has been achieved. The increased volume of the osseous structure will allow the implant to be placed in the correct position, while the soft tissue altered by the forced eruption will match the gingiva around the adjacent natural teeth, or may be surgically adapted to achieve an esthetic appearance.
G. Zuccati, Bocchieri A. Implant site development by orthodontic extrusion of hopeless teeh.
Journal of clinical orthodontics; 37:307-311, 2003